Dan Torgerson
Vice President of Investor Relations
Dan Torgerson, vice president of investor relations, has been with Affordable Equity Partners since 2004. Dan works with all types of investors, specializing in insurance company clientele. In his position, he has helped clients achieve federal and state tax savings that exceed $2 billion.
Before joining AEP, Dan was part of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP’s financial services tax consulting group where he led, or was directly involved with, a team that helped insurance clients and other financial institutions save in excess of $35 million dollars on their state and local taxes. From 2000 through 2004, he helped author the National Association of Independent Insurers’ State Tax Guide, along with reviewing and editing the state taxation section of the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association’s Property and Casualty textbook. He has practiced in the multi-state tax area for over twenty-five years and is a guest speaker at numerous events covering a variety of topics concerning tax, accounting, investment and regulatory issues for the insurance industry and others.
Dan graduated from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, with a master’s degree in business taxation.
In addition to his work with AEP, Dan had a distinguished career in the United States Army as a structures specialist. He was awarded numerous honors, including two Army Achievement Medals, two Army Commendation Medals, the Good Conduct Medal and several Army Certificates of Achievement.
Dan participates regularly in such organizations as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (formerly PCIAA), the American Council of Life Insurers, the Insurance Tax Conference, the National Premium Tax Conference and the Federal Bar Association’s Insurance Tax Seminar.